Our mission was founded on the instinct of providing our daughters with a life filled with curiosity, exploration, wellness, and freedom. When we discovered and joined the Apogee team, it evolved into bringing that same lifestyle and mindset to our greater community. Apogee will make real change in our country, and we are here to be a part of cultivating the future of our nation.
We were both born and raised in the suburbs of Northern New Jersey and settled into our homestead 4 years ago in the rural mountainous
Highlands region of New Jersey.
Our purpose for joining the Apogee Strong team was driven by the alignment of our core values and Apogee’s mission.
Our focus is to provide our two young daughters the freedom to grow and adapt with sovereignty and to raise them as effective leaders in a rapidly declining society.
Our ultimate mission is to be a driving force for change in our community, and beyond.
We believe in freedom.
The freedom to be physically and mentally healthy, to think critically, to explore curiosity, and to learn how to truly be a contributing member of society.
We believe our children, and our fellow Apogee families in our communities, deserve what’s best for them individually.
Apogee Highlands will provide that individual pace and focus with intention, so that our Apogee families can be Leaders. On Purpose.
“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to
have tried to succeed.”